Does Packaging Affect a Company’s Rep: The Answer, is a Resounding Yes

Online retailers have a relationship with their customers, despite it being distant. Unlike your traditional brick-and-mortar retailers, you can’t meet your shoppers directly, so you have to make sure that your website is easy to utilize, and the customer service reps are helping customers and providing a great first impression. But shipping is another big part of this.  Your packaging does matter, and you need to understand that this reflects the image that you desire. You need packaging that makes the branding look great, and here, you’ll figure out a few different things to pay attention to when it comes to an ecommerce business.

The Internal Contents

First, you’ve got the internal contents.  You need to understand that no matter how attractive the shipping is, if the items arrive damaged, you’re screwed. This kills your business’s reputation, and the first priority is to make sure that you have a packaging solution that protects items within transit, should something come to happen during shipping.  You should make sure all items are safe from moisture and other types of damage, and also make sure that shock doesn’t happen either, along with being crushed under packages that are heavier.

Having good labels is a big part of it too, since labeling helps keep the products from getting wrecked. Having a small “fragile” label on there can impact the way various shipping companies handle the item at hand, and also how it moves from the shipping facility to your carrier, and then later on to the front porch of the person you’re buying for.  This is important to remember, and a little change goes a long way.

The Brand Experience

Your brand’s experience is also determined by packaging.  When customers get packages from you, you need to make sure you offer the best you can in the business. This is your branding. Whether you choose a unique envelope, or labels that announce the name of the brands, the customers should see the outside of packages as a representation of your brand. You should keep in mind that this might not work for all types of ecommerce businesses, since high-end products with that type of packaging doe make it a target for theft.

It also is a part of the professionalism that is a big part of this.  By having a nice look to your packaging, you’re exuding professionalism.  Making it personal as well is great too. Small thank-you notes are also great to add in there too. You can either handwrite these, or print them off on pretty paper. This in turn will make the branding from the company even better, and more worthwhile.

This is a good for those who are looking to improve their business. If you want to add a little coupon with every shipment, setting it up so that people don’t have to spend more money the next time can offer an experience that’s great, and personalized too. Even including little cards that are a part of this will help to bring forth a better, more reliable experience, and offer you a chance to easily and effectively create the image that you want for your brand.

With all of this in mind, you should always understand that how your package fares as it gets to the customer does determine the strength of your business practices. It lets you, as you start to put together better items as well, have a much better and more worthwhile experience for yourself, and also lets you get the most that you can from the packaging.

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