How to utilize Cardboard Boxes

Cardboard boxes are very important for businesses, and building that trust level with packaging for customers is kind of hard.  Cardboard boxes are the most reliable packaging solution though, and there are a lot of cool aspects of custom printed boxes, and wholesale cardboard boxes may seem like they are more expensive, but that isn’t’… Continue reading How to utilize Cardboard Boxes

How to Stop Overpacking

There is a lot of packing that is used, and nearly a quarter of customers think that retailers use too much. Home improvement, especially in the garden industry, found that almost half of the parcels that are overpacked. Finding the balance between the least amount of packaging and enough for many to start working on,… Continue reading How to Stop Overpacking

Difference between blister, Skin, and Clamshell Packaging

Having the right packaging includes different categories, but what are the differences between the three. When it comes to packing, clamshell, skin, and blister all have unique properties, but let’s talk about each of them, and the benefits, along with downfalls and environmental impacts of each as well. Skin is literally a plastic packaging that… Continue reading Difference between blister, Skin, and Clamshell Packaging