Pros and Cons of Shrink Wrapping Single-Item Produce

Shrink wrapping produce might seem strange, but in this day and age, this is definitely something more and more people are considering. With the rampage of COVID-19 hitting many people, a lot of reusable bags, containers, and films aren’t being used. Single-plastic means are now an alternative to help prevent the spread of this.

There are pros and cons to this however, and we’ll highlight the benefits of both.

Pros of Such

There is some benefit to shrink wrapping foods. For starters, it can save lives, but also save you a lot of money.  For a lot of people, they don’t realize just how much of an impact this can be, but a cough, even one that’s meant to be innocuous, can cost you thousands of dollars.

When they’re not single-wrapped, that means that it all has to be thrown away, instead of a few wayward items. This is a big difference and can help save you a lot of money.

It also blocks the contaminants from your products. This is a good way to flatten the curve and reduce the spread of the virus. Shrink wrap food blocks these contaminants from the surface, so it’s actually much safer to use this type of plastic on your foods.

Finally, it protects the products from air.  Air is still in grocery stores, and there is a potential for infection and contamination even in a perfectly-cleaned grocery store. Shrink wrapping food will help prevent this. By reducing it, you’re giving customers a safer shopping experience.

It also helps reduce the amount of weight loss, so it will help with you earning more money. It also works to maintain freshness too for far longer, which is of course a major advantage.

What are the downsides then? Read on to find out.

Cons of it

There are a few downsides to this. It’s not perfect, but it might be a better solution.

For starters, there will be more plastic found in streams, rivers, waterways, and oceans of course. This also means that there might be major pollution in our landfills. The influx of this can complicate this too. We already have a lot of plastic in our world, but it certainly won’t do us much good if we continue to contribute to that.

However, it is recyclable. So as long as people recycle it, and the companies can work to encourage infrastructure, there is a chance that you could make this work.  It does require some initiatives however, and those are mandated by the EPA. The problem with that of course, is that in the middle of a crisis, this is probably the last thing they’re going to be worrying about.

But, with the benefits that are there, it certainly can help you immensely. Shrink film is a good thing to have, and it’s something you should consider. If you’re going to be using shrink wrap, you should find a vendor who can help you with your packaging essentials. Find a fee vendors, and from there do your research before you choose the company that’ll fit the shrink film solutions.

You can always talk to packaging experts too in order to help you figure out the best way for you to get your shrink wrap, and to figure out if it’s right for you. In our world, it might be a necessity, and worth checking out if needed.

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